Stop the burnout cycle, it’s sabotaging what you’re trying to achieve

10/07/2023assertiveness, burnout, leadership development, mentalhealth, work-life balance

It’s Monday, and you’re diligently putting in the work, pushing through the challenges. But here’s a question that deserves your attention: are you unknowingly tiptoeing too close to the burnout bonfire? Through my journey as a leadership coach, I’ve witnessed burnout sneaking up on countless women without warning. Let me walk you through the key … Read More

This is why you are stressed and frustrated!

07/06/2023burnout, effectivecommunication, emotional intelligence, interpersonal intelligence, management

Are you feeling stressed out? Frustrated? Well, one reason for that might be because your needs aren’t being met. And… you’re not being assertive about them. Assertiveness and Emotional Intelligence training are two important pillars of my Elevate leadership accelerator for women, and for a good reason: we, women, often feel an emotion, e.g. frustrated, … Read More

Ditch the Workhorse Life: Work Smarter, Not Harder

20/05/2023burnout, careergrowth, goal setting, Happiness At Work, job search, networking, personal branding, self-promotion, visibility, work-life balance

As your trusty executve and leadership coach, today I want to address a topic that hits home for many of us: the constant struggle of working hard in our jobs while neglecting our career growth. I’ve been coaching women in tech, finance, and science since 2011, and I’ve noticed a common theme among my clients. … Read More


09/11/2022burnout, career transitions, Leadership, work-life balance

You’ve heard the news, my friend: women managers and executives are leaving companies in the largest numbers. Yet for every 5 women who have moved on to the greener pastures, there are 50 more who are ploughing through, stressed, putting up with microaggressions, feeling under-valued and pushing to prove themselves over and over. IIf you … Read More