Stop the burnout cycle, it’s sabotaging what you’re trying to achieve

10/07/2023assertiveness, burnout, leadership development, mentalhealth, work-life balance

It’s Monday, and you’re diligently putting in the work, pushing through the challenges. But here’s a question that deserves your attention: are you unknowingly tiptoeing too close to the burnout bonfire? Through my journey as a leadership coach, I’ve witnessed burnout sneaking up on countless women without warning. Let me walk you through the key … Read More

Take Up Space

17/11/2022assertiveness, career transitions, careergrowth, Leadership

Are you hamster-wheeling your way to career success? You are not alone. Most women work really hard, going above and beyond every day, focusing on finishing their super long to-do-lists. This is how we’ve been raised: girls, more than boys, get assigned daily tasks to do at home, which they should finish diligently and quietly. … Read More