The Self-Promotion Enigma: Why Do Women Play Hide and Seek?

23/05/2023art of visibility, careergrowth, personal branding, self-promotion

While self-promotion is critical for one’s professional success, women face unique challenges and barriers (a lot of are internal) when it comes to promoting themselves in the workplace. Here are some of the reasons why women may be reluctant or find it difficult to self-promote: Cultural Conditioning and Modesty Norms: Cultural conditioning plays a significant … Read More

Ditch the Workhorse Life: Work Smarter, Not Harder

20/05/2023burnout, careergrowth, goal setting, Happiness At Work, job search, networking, personal branding, self-promotion, visibility, work-life balance

As your trusty executve and leadership coach, today I want to address a topic that hits home for many of us: the constant struggle of working hard in our jobs while neglecting our career growth. I’ve been coaching women in tech, finance, and science since 2011, and I’ve noticed a common theme among my clients. … Read More

Managing Up: How to Succeed with Any Type of Boss

21/02/2023careergrowth, emotional intelligence, Employee engagement, Happiness At Work, interpersonal intelligence, management, self-promotion, talent management

Your relationship with your boss is the most important relationship at work. If you have a good relationship with your manager, they will be more likely to trust you, give you important assignments, and advocate for you when it comes time for raises and promotions. On the other hand, if you have a bad relationship … Read More

Why you don’t get the credit you deserve, or the sticky habit that is costing women career opportunities

05/10/2020art of visibility, Leadership, leadership development, self-promotion, Story-Telling

“My main career challenge is cultural,” confessed Nigella, a new manager at GE Renewable Energy. “I cannot bring myself to talk about myself, my work or my accomplishments. Someone else can do it, but not me. That’s the way I was brought up in my culture of origin.” A lot of women feel the same, … Read More

Get in the driver’s seat of your career!

06/11/2017art of visibility, career transitions, Employee engagement, entrepreneurship, goal setting, Happiness At Work, interpersonal intelligence, job search, networking, personal branding, self-promotion, soft skills, Uncategorized, visibility

(First published in the international women’s business magazine, BusinessOFeminin.) How are you feeling about your current job?  Let me guess. The chances are you are not very satisfied.  If so, you are not alone.  Studies show that up to 75% of employees globally feel unhappy at work. At a time of high unemployment and lacklustre … Read More