Ditch the Workhorse Life: Work Smarter, Not Harder

20/05/2023burnout, careergrowth, goal setting, Happiness At Work, job search, networking, personal branding, self-promotion, visibility, work-life balance

As your trusty executve and leadership coach, today I want to address a topic that hits home for many of us: the constant struggle of working hard in our jobs while neglecting our career growth. I’ve been coaching women in tech, finance, and science since 2011, and I’ve noticed a common theme among my clients. … Read More

Get in the driver’s seat of your career!

06/11/2017art of visibility, career transitions, Employee engagement, entrepreneurship, goal setting, Happiness At Work, interpersonal intelligence, job search, networking, personal branding, self-promotion, soft skills, Uncategorized, visibility

(First published in the international women’s business magazine, BusinessOFeminin.) How are you feeling about your current job?  Let me guess. The chances are you are not very satisfied.  If so, you are not alone.  Studies show that up to 75% of employees globally feel unhappy at work. At a time of high unemployment and lacklustre … Read More

LinkedIn got it wrong, or when is your next work anniversary?

17/05/2016Happiness At Work, job search, LinkedIn, Mindfulness, networking, personal branding, talent management, work-life balance

LinkedIn is an amazing social media tool if you know how to use it to your advantage, to find dream jobs and clients and to network. I absolutely love it. Yet LinkedIn got one detail wrong. On its home page, it features the box «Ways to Keep in Touch». The one that invites you to «Like» … Read More

Eight lessons from Deauville

29/10/2013Employee engagement, entrepreneurship, gender equality, Leadership, networking, soft skills, talent management, Uncategorized, work-life balance

1300 business women gathered earlier this month in Deauville for the ninth Women’s Forum. The sun was shining on the sea, the champagne was glittering in flute glasses, and the participants who came from around the globe exchanged, debated and networked in powerful ways. What did we learn? What beliefs were confirmed? What myths were … Read More

Smart Leadership: how good are your people skills?

12/08/2013Employee engagement, entrepreneurship, Leadership, networking, talent management, work-life balance

A twenty-year old study of leadership effectiveness conducted by Stanford University’s School of Business concluded that about 15 percent of one’s success in leading organizations comes from technical skills and knowledge, while 85 percent comes from the ability to connect with people and engender trust and mutual understanding. Through my coaching and leadership training work, … Read More

Personal Value Proposition and why it matters

16/03/2013career transitions, cover letters and resumes, entrepreneurship, job search, Leadership, networking, talent management

Your Personal Value Proposition – or PVP – is at the heart of your career strategy.  It is the foundation for everything in a job search and career progression – getting promoted, targeting potential employers, attracting the assistance of others, and explaining why you are the one to choose. It shows right employers why they … Read More