Why you don’t get the credit you deserve, or the sticky habit that is costing women career opportunities

Why you don’t get the credit you deserve, or the sticky habit that is costing women career opportunities

05/10/2020art of visibility, Leadership, leadership development, self-promotion, Story-Telling

“My main career challenge is cultural,” confessed Nigella, a new manager at GE Renewable Energy. “I cannot bring myself to talk about myself, my work or my accomplishments. Someone else can do it, but not me. That’s the way I was brought up in my culture of origin.” A lot of women feel the same, … Read More

How to lead your remote team effectively

How to lead your remote team effectively

27/05/2020Leadership, remotework

Some say it takes three weeks to form a new habit. Yet weeks into the Covid19 pandemic your team struggles to work remotely. Alarmingly, studies say that only 16% of employees have ever had any virtual team specific business training to help them perform effectively As a leader of a now-virtual team, failing to acknowledge the magnitude … Read More